NAWGJ-SC is thrilled to bring your Level 7 athletes an exciting opportunity!
NAWGJ-SC will be selecting a team to participate in the National Judges Cup in the Level 7 Team Challenge event. The meet will take place onJanuary 5-7, 2018 in Portland Oregon.
The athletes from various teams will compete as “ONE” representing Southern California. This is similar to the state team session at Level 7 Regionals.
NAWGJ-SC will pay for the cost of travel, hotel accommodations, and entry expenses for a team of 6 athletes. Competition leotards will be provided by k-Bee. NAWGJ-SC will pay for coach’s travel and hotel expenses; however, no more than 1 coach per 3 gymnasts from the same team. All travel will be booked by NAWGJ-SC.
Athletes will also be accompanied by a female chaperone (NAWGJ-SC Board Member/Judge) who will be responsible for all their needs. Should a parent choose to attend, no reimbursements will be provided for them.
Every Southern California gym is eligible to submit up to 6 athlete bio/ videos for consideration.
Routines will be judged by a panel of the NAWGJ-SC board members and the selected athletes will be notified by December 1.
Coaches will submit the following to Gigi Iavarone, at by Wednesday, November 21, 2017:
- video footage of competition routines on all 4 events(please save videos with name of the athlete before sending or identify gymnast in video by other means: introduction or slider)
- completed Gymnast Waiver and Information Form
- completed Coach Waiver and Information Form
- completed 2018 Gymnast Bio Form and Picture (this will be for the National Judges Cup program! )
- In the email, please provide the Coach’s Contact Information (phone number/ email)
- Team Selection will be made by November 30th. Coaches will be notified via email and/ phone.
We hope you are as excited as us to have Southern California represented and show our SoCal strength and unity!
Please direct all questions to Teresa Barnard ( or Gigi Iavarone (