Message From Socal NAWGJ SJDs-
Hope everyone is doing well and continuing to be safe! We know that things can be difficult right now and definitely not within our usual norm. We are happy that CPE credit requirements have been decreased and please remember to turn in your form to Deanna by this weekend. Please reach out for any issues you may be having meeting this. We are here to help!
We have seen many online clinic opportunities with CPE credits available this summer. The board has voted to allow reimbursement to So-Cal NAWGJ members up to $50 total for cpe allowed clinics through Aug. 31st. This includes Region 7 zoom congress, USAG offered courses, and any new upcoming opportunities. Proof of payment and attendance required.
Take care and please let us know if you have any questions,
April Brandon & Teresa Barnard
Region 7 Zoom Congress Details
Link to register for Region 7 congress-
Deadline to register online is May 30th
For Reimbursement:
The zoom system will allow participants to print out a verification form, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
You will be reimbursed $50 if you provide verification forms for both sessions, and $25 if you provide one form.
*The system will be doing random checks for attendance. An attendee has a short time to respond “I’m Here” or they will be kicked out and will not get credit.
*The admin is recommending headphones for the session but not required.
*This is a good opportunity for our judges to hear perspective from another region.
*The congress is EST. So it would start 6am here and our folks would be done by 1pm.