1. OPTIONAL TEST. An optional test will be administered on Nov. 13, 2021 at 4pm at Aerials Gymnastics in Torrance Ca. Registration can be made through the USAG website. It may take a few days to appear but let me know if you have any questions.
2. GREEN FLAG AWARD. It’s that time to recognize a So Cal judge for their contribution to the NAWGJ community. Click Here for the green flag nomination form. Please fill out and return to me over the next week.
3. BASE SCORE. This year we will be hosting a recorded virtual base score. The video is complementary to So-Cal judges. Please see the Base Score Flyer below to register for the event.

4. NATIONAL JUDGES CUP. This years National Judges Cup will be in New Orleans, LA. If you are interested in judging as a volunteer and representing So-Cal please let me know. It is a great opportunity to sit on a four judge panel and meet judges from throughout the nation!