Hope everyone is staying, safe, healthy and sane! We have important announcements below:
1. General meeting via zoom will be held for general membership August 16th at 6:30pm. A link will be sent as we get closer to date.
2. All memberships (NAWGJ and USAG with possibly your safe sport, background check etc.) are due by July 31st to remain active. Very exciting news: Nawgj.org has revamped their website and it looks great. To renew, you must log in to your account. View your profile and find the box to your right to renew. PLEASE NOTE: If you volunteered a full day at judges cup, your expiration date should already show that you are covered until 2021. Please confirm this in your profile.
3. The Virtual National Congress deadline to register with group rate is July 29th. To register with the group rate use the following link. https://formsmarts.com/ form/24ao?mode=h5
If you missed it before, NAWGJ-SC will reimburse the $100 for attendance and $50 for one full day attendance.
Let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see your smiling faces at the general meeting!
Teresa Barnard and April Brandon
So-Cal Co-SJDs