CPE Opportunites & Reimbursement
Message From Socal NAWGJ SJDs- Hope everyone is doing well and continuing to be safe! We know that things can be difficult right now and definitely not within our usual norm. We are happy that CPE credit requirements have been decreased and please remember to turn in...
CPE Hours Required for 2019-2020 revised Due to COVID-19
To: USA Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Judges Subject: Continuing Professional Education Requirements for 2019-20 Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus and the resulting cancellation of the end of season championship competitions, the Women’s Technical Committee has...
SoCal Level 7 Team wins the National Judges Cup
Our SoCal Athletes earned a First Place finish in the 2020 Level 7 Team Challenge! Congratulation,...
NAWGJ-SC Names Level 7 Team For 2020 National Judges Cup
NAWGJ-SC wants to congratulate the six athletes who will be representing SO-CAL at the National Judges Cup next month in Northern California. IZZY DeCORTE Sokol Elite Gymnastics FRANCINE DeVEGA The Klub Gymnastics SIENNA KUDERKA Coastal Gymnastics Academy ALEXIS PAVIN...
National Judges Cup Level 7 Team
NAWGJ-SC will be selecting a team to participate in the National Judges Cup in the Level 7 Team Challenge event. The meet will take place on January 10-12, 2020 in Santa Clara, CA. The athletes from various teams will compete as “ONE” representing Southern California....
Fall Test Prep Session
Click here to View the Test Prep...
Education Opportunity
Click for more information on the Xcel in Gym Education...
Judges Cup 2019
Thanks to all the judges, gymnasts, and coaches that made the 2019 Judges Cup a...