Level 6/7 Vault Practice Judging Video

Level 6/7 Vault Practice Judging Video

NEW for Jr. Olympic Judges and Coaches – a complimentary Level 6/7 Vault Practice Judging video with evaluation by the Women’s Technical Committee. A great way to prepare for the upcoming first season. Click Here to watch the Complimentary Level 6/7 Practice Judging...
2019 Level 7 National Judges’ Cup Team Selection

2019 Level 7 National Judges’ Cup Team Selection

NAWGJ-SC is thrilled to bring your Level 7 athletes an exciting opportunity! NAWGJ-SC will be selecting a team to participate in the National Judges Cup in the Level 7 Team Challenge event. The meet will take place onJanuary 5-7, 2018 in Portland Oregon. The athletes...
New Ratings need to be submitted to Gymjas

New Ratings need to be submitted to Gymjas

If you have a new rating- Please forward new updated rating cards(NEW ratings or updated exp on old rating), so all information can be updated before the start of the season. Don’t know where to find that? Sign into USAG >Member Services > My Profile...
Judges’ Cup 2018

Judges’ Cup 2018

Deadline Approaching Support your Judges’ Association & Come Join us for the First Weekend of Designated Competitions and some FUN! Please use the USAG Reservation System and because we are the first meet of the season, we realize some of your gymnast might not be...